Customers are the king of the marketplace and it takes so long to find and satisfied their need and only seconds to lose them. If you are an online marketer, so, their attention and satisfaction matter for the success of your business. However, to attract them to your website you need to give them a relevant reason and sometimes when you fail to give so they get disappointed and move to any other website. It is important to know all turnoffs that keep them away from your website, so, you can find a solution to deal with it. Take a look to know more.
Poor Loading Speed: One of the common things that take away your clients from your website is its poor loading speed. This is because, a customer never waits more than 2-3 seconds to load the page and if your website takes too long to respond, so, they get frustrated and move to any new option available on the internet. Thus, it is highly recommended to take as many and effective steps as possible to solve this issue shortly.
Excess Pop Up Ads: Another thing on your website that takes away your customer is excess popup ads. These ads pop up on every single click and annoy the customers while visiting your website. So, you should eliminate this as quickly as you can before your customers shift to your competitors.
Auto-Play Ads: This is the worst thing that turns off your visitors away from your website because it not only affects their experience but also consume their lots of data. Therefore, you should create a control on them, so, your customer can easily visit your website without facing any such issue.
Poor Navigation: Navigation of your website work as the road map for your visitor. It leads them the right way to reach the page they want to. So, you should improve it anyhow. This is because poor navigation not only takes away customers but also put your business at a loss.
No Blog: No blog means no content, which disappoint your visitors and they have left no reason to stay on your website anymore. This is because Content adds value to your work and gives your customer a reason to stay on it for a long time. So, you should create a blog now.
The list never ends here; there are many other factors you need to consider. For professional assistance contact an SEO Company that solves your website related issues and helps you to maintain your image in the market.
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