It's no longer news that over 60% of internet users make use of one form of eCommerce service or the other. This is largely due to its convenience, and ease of access.
You may easily consider patronizing popular eCommerce platforms like,,, or, whenever you want to buy online, rather than the traditional mall visits, on weekends, and in holiday seasons.
The drive towards engaging these platforms as preferred choice for online or electronic trading has become more realistic in recent years, with more people adopting, learning about, or starting to use online shops. Thus there is need to note some of its benefits, comparative advantages, similarities, and redemptive roles, for the improvement of scholarships, and general additions to efforts, in creating a new business world.
Benefits of Buying Online
Convenience: It saves time, money, and closes the gap between you and the Shopping Malls.
Choices: It allows you to make good decisions by comparing prices across platforms; e.g prices of products on Classifieds sites will always be lower than prices you will find on other related online shops.
Hot Deals: Very often, online shops offer discount deals or other incentives, you may never find or hear about, in offline shops.
Home Delivery: About 90% of online shops offer free or heavily discounted costs on purchase delivery to your doorstep. In most cases, you only get to pay for your purchase, upon delivery. Delivery is also considerably fast- usually within 48 hours.
Warranted: In addition to the benefits listed above, you also have limited or unlimited warrant for your purchases, depending on specified terms and conditions of the platform you are using.
Quality Products: Most online shops ensure and guarantee quality, for all their products/services, as this also directly impacts on their brand name and corporate goodwill.
The Classifieds advantage.
Classifieds are small advertisements that are grouped or displayed in classes, either on the website or on newspapers, billboards, etc.
In many aspects, classifieds offer better opportunities to everyone who sell, advertise or buy online.
Prior to the emergence of classifieds sites, it used to exist only on designated pages of the National Dailies, Billboards, etc. When it finally hit the internet many existing online shops felt the strong wave of competition, thus gradually adopted various aspects of the classifieds' methods, e.g people are now allowed to sell their products on some popular online shops, unlike in the early years when it used to be business-to-customers. People are now allowed to buy or sell, but not without some hidden or known costs.
We have therefore identified some areas where Classifieds still perform better than other related eCommerce shops as follows;
Free to Use: About 95% of classifieds sites are 100% free to use, for unlimited business deals. I.e no cost is extracted using any hidden or known methods.
Open Platform: Classifieds often operate on open platforms, where buyers meet directly with sellers, and agree on a deal. This is not so in other types of online shop, where such platforms act as middlemen, and also extract some percentage costs on sales, from either the seller or the buyer.
Affordable Quality Products: We mentioned earlier that eCommerce sites offer quality products, but classifieds offer quality and cheaper products. Most of the classifieds products/services are more affordable, as against other related platforms. This is because other online shops always inject mark-ups on prices of products.
Relationships: It is easier to start a business relationship on classifieds. This is because sellers are allowed to communicate directly with buyers, and vice versa.
Above are some of the important points to note about Classifieds and other eCommerce sites, in order to guide your choices.
Have you tried out any reliable classifieds recently? If you have not, you might just be missing out on lots of goodies. It's a new business world, so don't be left out.. Stay on top of your game, and get lucky always! Visit a classified site today and kindly share your experience with us.
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