4 Reasons Your eCommerce Site Should Be Geared Toward Accommodating Mobile Device Users Rwanda

In terms of website design, ignoring the paradigm shift in computing from the desktop to a variety of highly capable mobile devices is simply a risk that owners of eCommerce sites cannot afford to take. This is not to say, however, that desktop users should not be a part of your website design plans as there are still plenty of PC and laptop users in your target market as well. The challenge then for your eCommerce site is to continue to offer an optimal user experience to those who will be viewing your site with the larger screens of PC and laptops while also scaling up to accommodate the smaller screens of a growing number of mobile device users.

Here are 4 reasons for making these changes now:

1) Global smartphone sales have exceeded the combined sales totals of PCs and laptops since 2011 - This increased ownership is accompanied by increased use as the vast majority of smartphone owners keep their devices within arm's reach on a 24/7 basis.

2) Smartphones are no longer the province of only first movers and technophiles - While this relatively small group of users will happily absorb higher prices to be there first, this is no longer the demographic for smartphone ownership. As mobile device designers have added more features that are easy to use and less expensive than their predecessors, smartphone ownership is broadening and the number of uses, including making purchases, is growing rapidly.

3) Smartphones are becoming a standard issue item for people who work outside of an office environment - Even people who wouldn't by a smartphone for personal use are becoming owners because their jobs require it. Being able to log sales, check inventory, put scheduled items on a calendar, etc. requires the use of smartphones or tablets in the field, devices that can also be used to access the web as well as your website.

4) Mobile eCommerce sales are growing fast and expected to grow faster - As mobile devices get into more hands, it's logical to assume that eCommerce sales, along with a host of other mobile activities, will increase as well. The difference in mobile growth related to eCommerce is that the growth in overall sales volume is growing much faster than the uptake in the number of mobile devices. This has led to estimates for sales coming from mobile devices that range between $30 billion and $60 billion by 2016 from today's level of approximately $3 billion.

While desktops aren't going away any time soon, the biggest opportunities for eCommerce sites to increase revenues substantially will come from the mobile market. Gearing your website design efforts toward accommodating this new and growing market can ensure positive user experiences that lead to increasing sales and higher profits.

Visit Webhosting.co.rw for website design and development in Rwanda.

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