Expand Your Identity & Achieve Your Dreams Rwanda

The chapter begins with a description of how the Chinese communists, in war-time, converted American captives to renounce their beliefs and divulge military secrets to the enemy. This was not done by physical torture but by redirecting the soldiers belief system until they were prepared to sign a statement, so great was their brain washing.

Another incident mentioned was a school teacher who believed so strongly in her pupil's ability she convinced them they were ace students, despite them previously labelled slow learners, we are all capable of much more than we think we are.

I have personally experienced, raising slow learners view of themselves and awakening their potential when teaching. Teachers have such an important role with young minds. It is very satisfying seeing them respond to your enthusiasm and expand their capabilities.

So how can you really change or expand your core beliefs and expand your thinking?

Many people have a great fear of uncertainty of the unknown and would rather live with what they know than challenge their fears. Which helps to explain why battered wives remain in an intolerable situation. They have been led to believe they are inferior, or they are causing the problems and no one else would want them. This brain washing together with fearing change, leads them to remain in a bad situation until usually something inside them snaps and they can stand it no-longer. "The straw that broke the camels back"

Another illustration of achieving what we expect: If we believe we are a fat person, although we can lose weight, we are likely to b put is on again until we change our identity and think of ourselves as a slim trim person. Slim people often take their build for granted and don't expect to be any other way!

There are various exercises within the pages to allow you to try the experiments and see for yourself how changing your beliefs can change your outlook, your view of what you can achieve. If you could choose your wildest dreams what would you achieve, how would your life be different?

If you would enjoy time and location freedom, working with your laptop, affiliate marketing could be the answer. It is low-cost to start-up, you can begin in your spare-time (watch a bit less TV) and feel the satisfaction of watching your business grow. Begin NOW and plan for your future.

With the help of Webhosting.co.rw, good coach and mentor to guide you,. who also provides you with good tried and tested services in a range for your customers. This enables you to begin earning commissions whist you learn the techniques. Long-term you can build your business to the size that suits you.

So whatever your dreams are, change your belief in your capabilities and see what you can achieve.

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