Should You Use Animations And Videos For Your Small Business Website? Rwanda

in this era of advanced technology, web design has changed so radically. In the early days of the internet, dial-up modems made video viewing very difficult because of the slow speeds involved. Thus, you didn't see a lot of websites with videos or animations. However, times have changed rapidly and many big business websites such as sports leagues, big name restaurants, and others have placed videos and animations of their site. The temptation for small businesses is to believe that videos and animations will help make their website look more advanced and more appealing to prospective customers. While they may be true for some businesses, it doesn't work for all business types and there are certain drawbacks to consider when deciding to put up videos and animations for your website. It's important to remember that you can still produce videos even for your business if you establish a separate YouTube or other video sharing account for your business. The purpose of this article is to illustrate that the website itself may or may not be the most productive place to put these videos and animations. When It Is Ideal To Put Videos and Animations For Your Website If you are a Photoshop, computer graphic design, or audio/video production company, videos and animations would be ideal. This would not be done to make the website look good or make it look advanced, but because it is fitting for your business. Since it is the nature of these businesses to produce images and animations, the website must contain content that reflects this. Understand however, that search engines have a harder time picking up videos and animations than they do actual content which usually involves words and sentences. This needs to be factored in when putting in videos and animations for any small business website. When Is It Not Ideal To Put Videos And Animations For Your Website
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