How can you make money with domain names? The simple fact is that it is very easy and more and more people are doing it successfully online earning big bucks.
For over 3 years a business man have been buying and selling domains on a part time basis and little did he know of all the resources available to him. Now he is using everything at my disposal to turn an even higher profit and he will analyse and display a simple approach so you can start making money with domain names immediately. Here is a great approach to start making money online.
Step 1
The most important step is having something to sell. In this article we will look at selling domain names as our product of choice. Where do we find these domain names to sell and how much do they cost? For years I would go to a registrar who sells them and insert random words to see if they were available.This process took a very long time and after a while became less and less efficient. Don't get me wrong, I did make some good money from the one word domains that I picked up and sold on auction but when you take the amount of time involved it didn't look as appealing to me.
There are companies online that offer you an opportunity to buy expired or expiring domains that people do not renew or simply let slip away. In many cases you can find premium ones that have active traffic and have aged well. These are the ones that make the most profit. Just go on any search engine and insert "buy expired domains" and you will find an abundance of opportunities to join. Some are free to join but there are paid programs that work well also. Before buying always do an appraisal on it to ensure the value is real and worth while.
Step 2
So you know how to get them, now how do you make money?
People are actively searching for great domains and you can find these buyers via auctions. A simple search online and you will find the top 2 auctions that cater to what your selling. Put it up for auction and watch the bidding begin.
What people are looking for?
Traffic, Age, length and whether or not it has a hyphen or number (which are not good)
Not so fast... If you really want to make some money and you have a bit of knowledge creating websites or installing scripts then you can work on a simple website for that domain and increase its value.
Just remember this... Everything you need is at your fingertips, a simple search online will allow you to find enough free resources to make your job easier and much enjoyable.
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