How to create and import a database Rwanda

How to create a database

  1. Log into your cPanel
  2. Click the MySQL Database Wizard under the Databases heading
  3. Next to New Database enter a name for your database and click Next Step
  4. Next to Username enter a username.
  5. Enter a password next to Password, enter it again for Password (Again) and then click Create User
  6. On the next page, you'll assign privileges for the user to the database. Check the box next to All Privileges and then click Next Step.
Congratulations, you have just successfully created a database!

How to Import a databse
  1. Log into cPanel
  2. Open phpMyAdmin by clicking the phpMyAdmin icon
  3. Select the database in the left menu that you will be working with
  4. Click Import in the top menu
  5. Under File to Import, click Browse and select the backup file you previously created (it will be either a .sql .zip or .tar.gz file).
  6. Click Go at the bottom right
  7. When the database has been imported successfully, you should see a message at the top of the page similar to: Import has been successfully finished, ## queries executed.

    Congratulations, you have just imported a database!

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