How to Perfectly Value Your Domain Name Rwanda

If you want to sell your domain name, it is very important for you to know its real value. This is because you need to avoid underselling it, since there is nothing like over-selling in the domaining world. Even though there are many appraisal tools online, the following factors should be considered in getting the right value for your name.


Age really matters when evaluating a domain name. A name that has been existing for many years would be familiar with the search engines and this would boost its value. You can imagine a name that is about 15 years old, it will definitely be valuable that one that is just a year old. However, you may be wondering where you will be getting these old names - the expired domain market. Aged domains expire every day and a simple search online will reveal many of them.

Generic Keyword-rich Names

Generic names are very valuable especially when they belong to hot online categories. They are also free of any legal issues like trademark infringement and so on. Since they are common words, they will be easy to spell and pronounce. When related to hot keywords, they would definitely be very valuable in your portfolio.

valuable in your portfolio.


Short domain names are hot cakes. A lot people using the internet like to visit websites with short names because they don't like to bookmark all the time. As a result of this, you must put it at the back of your mind that shortness is a very essential factor to be considered in order to get a good domain value.

Domain Extension

There are different types of extensions like .com, .net, .biz, .info, .academy and so on. The most valuable of them all is the .com and there are many reasons for this. It is the first domain in history and majority of internet users are addicted to it. A lot of browsers also default to .com and the internet has unintentionally adopted it as its major extension.


A lot of businesses are looking for brandable domain names. They want something that is short and will create a great impression in the minds of their customers. If your domain can be used for branding purposes, it may be a valuable asset in your portfolio.

Passes the Radio Test

When a domain name passes the radio test, it means that it sounds good to the ear when pronounced. It should not be complicated and those hearing it should understand it easily.


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